
tl;dr I launched ProtoScript, a modern protocol buffers runtime and code generation tool for JavaScript and TypeScript.


I took a look at the existing protobuf implementations in JavaScript and nothing quite matched what I was looking for. In particular I wanted the following:

Looking at that list seems like a lot, but it largely boils down to a modern JavaScript runtime and target, first classed TypeScript support, and preserving proto comments as TSDoc or JSDoc.

better code generation

Google’s google-protobuf is by far the most popular protobuf runtime for JavaScript. It leverages the protoc compiler to generate JavaScript source code when used with the --js-out option. Originally I sought out to leverage the google-protobuf runtime, and replace the JavaScript code generation from protoc because:

  1. It doesn’t generate TypeScript types (though there are plugins to achieve this).
  2. It doesn’t generate JSON serializes (this is a long outstanding issue on the project’s GitHub).
  3. It doesn’t preserve proto comments in the generated JavaScript.
  4. And my biggest complaint: the generated JavaScript is not idiomatic. The generated interfaces are heavily Java-esque with getX and setX methods for every attribute and even XList suffix naming for array attributes.

So, I wrote a code generation tool. Given the following proto message:

syntax = "proto3";

// A Hat is a piece of headwear made by a Haberdasher.
message Hat {
  int32 inches = 1;
  // anything but "invisible"
  string color = 2;
  // i.e. "bowler"
  string name = 3;

ProtoScript will generate an interface like the following (omitting serialization code to focus on the generated interface developers work with):

 * A Hat is a piece of headwear made by a Haberdasher.
export interface Hat {
  inches: number;
   * anything but "invisible"
  color: string;
   * i.e. "bowler"
  name: string;

export const Hat = {
   * Initializes Hat with all fields set to their default value.
  initialize: function (): Hat {
    return {
      inches: 0,
      color: "",
      name: "",

And protoc will generate the following (again omitting serialization code to focus on the generated interface developers work with):

proto.Hat = function (opt_data) {
  jspb.Message.initialize(this, opt_data, 0, -1, null, null);
goog.inherits(proto.Hat, jspb.Message);
if (goog.DEBUG && !COMPILED) {
  proto.Hat.displayName = "proto.Hat";

proto.Hat.prototype.getInches = function () {
  return /** @type {number} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 1, 0));

proto.Hat.prototype.setInches = function (value) {
  return jspb.Message.setProto3IntField(this, 1, value);

proto.Hat.prototype.getColor = function () {
  return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 2, ""));

proto.Hat.prototype.setColor = function (value) {
  return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 2, value);

proto.Hat.prototype.getName = function () {
  return /** @type {string} */ (jspb.Message.getFieldWithDefault(this, 3, ""));

proto.Hat.prototype.setName = function (value) {
  return jspb.Message.setProto3StringField(this, 3, value);

You can do a more in depth comparison including the generated serialization code by comparing protoc’s generated file to protoscript’s generated file. Note that protoc does not generate a JSON runtime and ProtoScript does.

a smaller runtime

Once I began using ProtoScript, I noticed it was contributing more weight to my client bundle size than I wanted for my application’s serialization layer. I also noted a number of webpack warnings about a particularly large chunk: google-protobuf.

So, I expanded ProtoScript to include a runtime. I rewrote many pieces of google-protobuf, most notably replacing all of the bundled closure compiler runtime pieces with modern browser / nodejs APIs like bigint, TextEncoder, and TextDecoder, and converting the source to use JavaScript modules (ESM) instead of closure compiler exports.

The final result was ProtoScript clocking in at 67KB (9.6KB gzipped) compared to google-protobuf’s 231KB (46KB gzipped). Because ProtoScript is written in ESM, actual bundle size may be even smaller and nearly the entire runtime will tree shake out for JSON only clients.

There is still room for improvement to slim ProtoScript further, particularly because the runtime can break from the interface expectations of protoc.

the final result

ProtoScript highlights:

  1. Idiomatic JavaScript / TypeScript code. None of the Java idioms that protoc --js_out generates such as the List suffix naming for repeated fields, Map suffix for maps, or the various getter and setter methods. ProtoScript generates and consumes plain JavaScript objects over classes. Compare the TypeScript example to the protoc example.

  2. In-editor API documentation. Comments in your .proto files become TSDoc comments in the generated code and will show inline documentation in supported editors.

  3. JSON Serialization/Deserialization. Unlike protoc, ProtoScript’s code generation generates JSON serialization and deserialization methods.

  4. Small. ProtoScript’s runtime and generated code are built with tree shaking to minimize bundle sizes. This results in a significantly smaller bundle size than google-protobuf. ProtoScript’s runtime is 67KB (9.6KB gzipped) compared to google-protobuf’s 231KB (46KB gzipped).

  5. Isomorphic. ProtoScript’s generated serializers/deserializers can be consumed in the browser or Node.js runtimes.

  6. No additional runtime dependencies.

If you’d like to try it out, see the installation instructions.

Any questions? Hop into the Reddit announcement thread. Or, open an issue.